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Status Codes

The Amiqus API returns standard HTTP status codes in response to all requests. Amiqus API follows common principles when selecting a response code, and can be used by integrators to determine what actions to take. Common status codes used by API v2 include:

200 OK

The request was successful and the response contains a payload. This is used for a range of operations including GET, PUT and PATCH.

201 Created

The request was successful and a new resource was created successfully. This is typically used with POST requests. However, there are some endpoints where this can be be returned by a PUT or PATCH operation.

For example, Update assignees for a client returns 201 Created if new assignments are created, otherwise 200 OK when no changes were made.

204 No Content

The request was successful but the response does not contain a payload. DELETE operations will typically return this status when the resource was deleted. Other operations like Check service status also return this status when a response payload is unnecessary.

401 Unauthorized

The request was unsuccessful and the authorisation credentials could not be authenticated. Check the access token is valid and is associated with the appropriate team.

403 Forbidden

The request was unsuccessful but the authorisation credentials were authenticated. Check that the access token's user has appropriate permissions to access the requested resource or perform the action.

404 Not Found

The requested resource is not found. Check the request information is correct or the resource may not exist.

413 Request Entity Too Large

This indicates that the request data is too large. This is typically seen with the Create an attachment endpoint.

422 Unprocessable Content

This suggests that the request payload body and/or query parameters may contain missing fields or invalid data and that the request has failed validation.

429 Too Many Requests

Rate limit exceeded. See Rate Limits guide for more information.

500 Internal Server Error

An unexpected error has occurred. This error is generic and could be caused by any one of a number of issues. It's possible there may be an error in the request data, either query parameters or request body, so check the payload first. Please report these errors to so we can investigate further.

503 Service Unavailable

Application is down for maintenance. Maintenance outages are rare and are communicated in advance unless responding to a critical emergency.