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API Changelog

July 24 2024

  • [Amiqus SDK] Added endpoint Create an Onfido SDK token
  • [Amiqus SDK] Added support for Photo ID step type in Submit a step endpoint

July 19 2024

July 2 2024

  • Added national_insurance_number to the client object

June 21 2024

  • Updated name object properties
    • Added maximum length of 20 to the title property
    • Added maximum length of 255 to the first_name property
    • Added maximum length of 255 to the middle_name property
    • Added maximum length of 255 to the last_name property

May 30 2024

  • Updated descriptions on client assignees, record assignees and client organisations endpoints in relation to May 13 2024 breaking changes

May 29 2024

  • Added missing 403 responses to several endpoints

May 22 2024

  • Added Delete an attachment endpoint
  • Updated source_type query parameter, adding employment_referencing on List all files for a client endpoint

May 13 2024

⚠️ Breaking changes

This release includes breaking changes.

The behaviour of creating and updating assignees for clients and records and organisations for clients has changed. Assignees and organisations are added using the POST operation and any existing links remain intact. Assignees and organisations are replaced using the PUT operation.

If an assignee or organisation is already attached to the entity and is included in a PUT operation, the existing link remains intact.

Only when new links are created will POST and PUT operations return 201, otherwise they return 204.

Client and record assignee endpoints now return team_member assignee types. These contain a team member's name and email and also their role within the team.

  • Renamed Set assignees for a client to Add assignees to a client endpoint
  • Updated Add assignees to a client endpoint responses, removing 200, adding 201 and 204
  • Removed Update assignees for a client endpoint
  • Added Replace assignees for a client endpoint
  • Renamed Set assignees for a record to Add assignees to a record endpoint
  • Updated Add assignees to a record endpoint responses, removing 200, adding 201 and 204
  • Removed Update assignees for a record endpoint
  • Added Replace assignees for a record endpoint
  • Removed Update organisations for a client endpoint
  • Added Add organisations for a client endpoint
  • Updated Replace organisations for a client endpoint responses, removing 200, adding 201 and 204
  • Removed user assignee type for assignees for a client and assignees for a record endpoints
  • Added team_member assignee type for assignees for a client and assignees for a record endpoints
  • Added Create a file for a client endpoint
  • Added Data Formats guides

May 7 2024

  • Updated list object making property url not nullable

April 18 2024

  • Added Cases resource group
    • List all cases
    • Create a case
    • Retrieve a case
    • Update a case
    • List all reviews for a case
    • Create a case review
  • Added Case Items resource group
    • List all case items
    • Update items for a case
  • Added Case Assignees resource group
    • List all assignees for a case
  • Added Aggregates resource group
    • Case Status

April 16 2024

  • Added missing 403 responses to several endpoints

April 9 2024

  • Added sort_by and order_by query parameters to List all files for a client endpoint
    • Included name, created_at and expires_at options
  • Updated expanded source object to return full client_form object on List all files for a client endpoint

April 3 2024

  • Updated check object type property to match terms used in the step object
    • Changed document to photo_id
    • Changed open_banking to banking_information

March 27 2024

  • Added reference value to source_type query parameter on List all files for a client endpoint
  • Added Update a correction for a client endpoint
  • Added expires_at property to List all client files
  • Updated source query parameter, adding client_form and deprecating form on List all files for a client endpoint
  • Fixed expanded attachments property of record_document object to return an array of attachments objects

March 19 2024

  • Added List all corrections for a client endpoint
  • Added reference and search query parameters to List all clients endpoint
  • Added sort_by and order_by query parameters to List all organisations for a client endpoint

March 14 2024

  • Fixed link in description of Retrieve team membership endpoint

March 12 2024

  • Added check.employment_referencing step type

March 4 2024

  • Added source and source_type query parameters to List all files for a client endpoint
  • Added created_by query parameter on List all records endpoint
  • Deprecated creator query parameter on List all records endpoint

February 22 2024

  • Temporarily removed code samples from API Reference

February 20 2024

  • Updated assignee query parameter to accept false property to filter for unassigned records on List all records endpoint

February 8 2024

⭐ Authentication Guides and Self-Serve API Clients

OAuth clients can now be set up on a self-serve basis in Amiqus. The OAuth 2.0 guides have been updated to outline each set up step. A flow diagram of the OAuth 2.0 flow is included to help visually represent the process. Both the OAuth 2.0 and the Personal Access Token guides now include explanatory screenshots.

The Authentication guides have been updated with more guidance to help you decide which authentication option to chose for your integration.

February 7 2024

  • Added created_by to client_file object
  • Updated expand query parameter, adding created_by to List all files for a client endpoint

February 1 2024

  • Added 410 and 423 responses to Download a file for a client endpoint

January 25 2024

  • Updated team_member object making role property nullable

January 19 2024

  • Removed has_reminder property from record object, mistakenly added on January 17 2024

January 18 2024

  • Fixed issue with expired_at property on record object which incorrectly stated expired_at could be true or null

January 17 2024

  • Added sort_by, order_by query parameters to List all organisations endpoint
  • Added ability to extend a record's expiry date in Update a record endpoint
  • Added expired_at to record object

January 8 2024

  • Added secret to webhook object
  • Fixed order of webhook object properties
  • Removed deprecated face property from check.photo_id step type request body examples

November 30 2023

  • Updated webhook guides with caveats of client.deleted,client.record, and form.deleted payloads

November 28 2023

  • Added has_reminders to record object

November 16 2023

  • Added sort_by, order_by query parameters to List all clients endpoint
  • Added sort_by, order_by query parameters to List all records endpoint

November 10 2023

November 9 2023

  • Added visibility query parameter to List all organisations endpoint

November 2 2023

  • Updated List all organisations for a client endpoint description

October 27 2023

  • Added archived_at to organisation object

October 24 2023

  • Added presets property to List all record templates endpoint
  • Added status, assignee and visibility query parameters to List all clients endpoint
  • Added client_visibility query parameter to List all records endpoint
  • Updated migration guide with details on inclusion of archived entities for List all records and List all clients endpoints

October 16 2023

  • Added visibility query parameter to List all records endpoint

October 5 2023

  • Fix document object property attachment to allow null value

September 22 2023

  • Updated List all records endpoint status filter description detailing deprecated failed status

September 18 2023

  • Added webhook object property descriptions
  • Updated List all webhooks endpoint
    • Added 401 response
    • Updated endpoint description
  • Updated Retrieve a webhook endpoint
    • Added 401 response
    • Added 404 response
    • Updated path parameter description
  • Updated Update a webhook endpoint
    • Added 401 response
    • Added 404 response
    • Added 422 response
    • Updated path parameter description
  • Updated Delete a webhook endpoint
    • Added 404 response
    • Updated path parameter description
  • Updated List all deliveries for a webhook endpoint
    • Added 404 response
    • Updated path parameter description
  • Fix duplicate title, other_title and middle_name property types on Create a cliend endpoint

September 8 2023

⭐ Migration Guides

A new section of the developer guides has been added to help upgrade your integration from API v1 to v2.

The migration guides go into detail about every property, parameter and endpoint added, changed or removed in v2 and includes suggestions for alternatives.

  • Added Migration Guides
  • Updated Delete an assignee for a client endpoint description
  • Updated Delete assignees for a client endpoint description
  • Updated List all assignees for a record endpoint
    • Added 401 response
    • Added 404 response
    • Updated path parameter description
  • Updated Set assignees for a record endpoint
    • Added 401 response
    • Added 404 response
    • Added 422 response
    • Updated request property and path parameter descriptions
  • Updated Update assignees for a record endpoint
    • Added 401 response
    • Added 404 response
    • Added 422 response
    • Updated endpoint, request property and path parameter descriptions
  • Updated Delete assignee for a record endpoint
    • Added 401 response
    • Added 404 response
    • Updated endpoint and path parameter descriptions

September 7 2023

  • Add missing perform_url property to List all records and Update a record response samples

September 5 2023

  • Fix invalid syntax in webhook security code sample
  • Fix sort order in List all clients response sample

August 21 2023

  • Updated List all records endpoint
    • Added 401 response
  • Updated Create a record endpoint
    • Added 401 response
    • Added 422 response
    • Updated request property descriptions
  • Updated Retrieve a record endpoint
    • Added 401 response
    • Added 404 response
    • Updated path parameter descriptions
  • Updated Expire a record endpoint
    • Added 401 response
    • Added 404 response
    • Added 422 response
    • Updated path parameter descriptions

August 14 2023

  • Updated Delete an assignee for a client endpoint
    • Added 401 response
    • Added 404 response
    • Updated query parameter descriptions
  • Updated List all assignees for a client endpoint
    • Added 401 response
    • Added 404 response
    • Updated description
  • Updated Set assignees for a client endpoint
    • Added 401 response
    • Added 404 response
    • Added 422 response
    • Updated query parameter descriptions
  • Updated Update assignees for a client endpoint
    • Added 401 response
    • Added 404 response
    • Added 422 response
    • Updated query parameter descriptions
  • Updated Delete assignees for a client endpoint
    • Added 401 response
    • Added 404 response

August 9 2023

  • Added address object property descriptions
  • Updated Retrieve address for a client endpoint
    • Added 401 response
    • Added 404 response
    • Updated description
  • Updated Replace an address for a client endpoint
    • Added 401 response
    • Added 404 response
    • Added 422 response
    • Updated description

August 3 2023

  • Added client object property descriptions
  • Updated List all clients endpoint
    • Added 401 response
    • Updated description
  • Updated Create a client endpoint
    • Added 401 response
    • Added 422 response
    • Updated description
  • Updated Retrieve a client endpoint
    • Added 401 response
    • Added 404 response
    • Updated description
  • Updated Update a client endpoint
    • Added 401 response
    • Added 404 response
    • Added 422 response
    • Updated description

August 2 2023

  • Deprecated Archive a record endpoint. Replaced by Update a record endpoint

July 31 2023

  • Added perform_link to record object

July 26 2023

  • Added is_reviewed property to Update a record endpoint. Allows toggling a record's reviewed state

July 21 2023

  • Added Update a record endpoint

July 14 2023

  • Updated List all records endpoint
    • Added page, limit, status, creator and assignee query parameters

July 6 2023

  • Updated Delete organisation for a client endpoint
    • Added 401 response
    • Added 404 response
  • Updated Delete organisations for a client endpoint
    • Added 401 response
    • Added 404 response
  • Updated List all organisations for a client endpoint
    • Added 401 response
    • Added 404 response
    • Updated description
  • Updated Update organisations for a client endpoint
    • Added 404 response
    • Updated description
  • Updated Replace organisations for a client endpoint
    • Added 401 response
    • Added 404 response

July 4 2023

  • Updated Create an organisation and Update an organisation properties
    • Updated jurisdiction description with details of requirement
  • Added request code samples

June 28 2023

  • Added template property to Create a record endpoint. Allows creation of records using a record template

June 26 2023

  • Added expand query parameter examples for List all steps for a record endpoint

June 20 2023

  • Added Create an attachment endpoint

June 13 2023

  • Added organisation object property descriptions
  • Updated List all organisations endpoint
    • Added 401 response
    • Updated description
  • Updated Create an organisation endpoint
    • Added 401 response
    • Added 422 response
    • Updated description
  • Updated Retrieve an organisation endpoint
    • Added 401 response
    • Added 404 response
  • Updated Update an organisation endpoint
    • Added 401 response
    • Added 404 response
    • Added 422 response
    • Updated description

June 1 2023

  • Added status enum values to Create a client and Update a client endpoints
  • Added user object property descriptions
  • Updated 422 Unprocessable Content response description with examples
  • Updated Check service status endpoint
    • Removed 403 response
    • Added 401 response
    • Updated description
  • Updated Retrieve user account endpoint
    • Added 401 response
    • Updated description
  • Updated Update user account endpoint
    • Added 401 response
    • Added 422 response
    • Updated description
  • Updated List all my teams endpoint
    • Added 401 response
    • Updated description
  • Updated Retrieve team membership endpoint
    • Added 401 response
    • Updated description
  • Updated Retrieve a team member endpoint
    • Added 401 response

May 31 2023

  • Changed 403 responses
    • Updated response from 403 Unauthorized to 403 Forbidden
    • Removed error property
    • Added message property

May 29 2023

  • Added secret property to webhook object
  • Added 201 Created success responses to Update assignees for a record and Update assignees for a client endpoints

May 26 2023

⚠️ Breaking changes

This release includes breaking changes.

  • Changed Document Transfer record step preferences
    • Added required attachment property to "New Document" type

May 22 2023

  • Changed HSCNI Access NI record step preferences
    • Updated barring_adults and barring_children description with details of requirement
    • Changed false as default value for barring_adults and barring_children properties
  • Changed Watchlist record step preferences
    • Changed true as default value for silent property
    • Updated silent description with details of availability

May 18 2023

⚠️ Breaking changes

This release includes breaking changes.

  • Changed Dummy record step preferences
    • preferences is no longer a required property
    • Changed payment_amount from float to integer
    • Updated payment_amount description with details of value format
    • Changed minimum and maximum value of payment_amount to 010000
    • Changed minimum and maximum value of credit_cost to 0100

May 17 2023

⚠️ Breaking changes

This release includes breaking changes.

  • Changed Banking Information record step preferences
    • Renamed step type check.open_banking to check.banking_information
    • preferences is no longer a required property
    • Added false as default value for balance and transactions properties
  • Changed Criminal Record step preferences
    • free_volunteer property for DBS: Standard and DBS: Enhanced types is now read only
  • Changed Document Transfer step preferences
    • Renamed property confirmed to require_confirmation
    • Renamed property returned to require_return
  • Changed Photo ID step preferences
    • face and liveness properties for standard report type are now read only
    • Added issuing_countries property for standard and biometric report types
    • Updated facial_similarity description for standard report type with details of cost changes
  • Changed Photo ID step preferences
    • Added 1 and 3 options to monitor property
    • Added false as default value for silent and monitor properties
    • Updated silent and monitor descriptions with details of availability and cost changes
  • Changed record_document object
    • Renamed config choice headings
      • "Sent" to "Document Transfer"
      • "Requested" to "Document Request"
    • Renamed property description to instructions
    • Renamed property instructions to return_message
    • Added return_message description
  • Removed link and in_person notification types from Create a record endpoint
  • Added false notification type to Create a record endpoint

May 12 2023

⚠️ Breaking changes

This release includes breaking changes.

  • Changed success response codes from 200 OK to 201 Created for endpoints:
    • Create a client
    • Set assignees for a client
    • Create an organisation
    • Create a record
    • Set assignees for a record
    • Create a webhook

May 11 2023

  • Changed maximum length of message property to 5000 for Create a record endpoint

May 10 2023

  • Removed enabled query parameter from List all forms for a client endpoint

Last updated: