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Data Formats

Date and Time

Date and time formatted strings adhere to ISO 8601 standards as outlined in RFC 3339. This ensures consistency and interoperability across different systems. Date strings are formatted as either date or date-time.


Date formatted strings should follow the full-date notation, YYYY-MM-DD, where:

  • YYYY represents the year with four digits.
  • MM represents the month with two digits (01–12).
  • DD represents the day with two digits (01–31).

Example: 2024-05-07

Date and time

Date and time formatted strings should follow the date-time format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ, where:

  • YYYY-MM-DD represents the date in the same format as described above.
  • T separates the date and time components.
  • HH:MM:SS represents the time in hours (00–23), minutes (00–59), and seconds (00–59) respectively.
  • Z indicates that the time is in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), also known as "Zulu" time.

Example: 2024-05-07T12:30:45Z

Other Formats

Query parameter encoding

We allow some reserved characters in query parameter values to be sent without percent-encoding. Characters :/?[]@!$'()*,; can be sent as they are, or can be percent-encoded. For example foo=bar/baz.txt can be sent as is or encoded foo%3Dbar%2Fbaz.txt.

The other reserved characters, #&=+, must be sent percent-encoded.


Unless otherwise noted, all responses containing data are returned with a Content-type: application/json header and JSON string body.

Forward slashes (/) are not escaped in JSON strings but multibyte unicode characters are. The JSON string {"message": "Tomás starts on 27/05/2024 😊"} is returned {"message": "Tom\u00e1s starts on 27/05/2024 \ud83d\ude0a"}.